DeGroote School of Business

Years of Service

Years of devoted service have not only defined professional careers but also fostered a deep sense of belonging and community within DeGroote.

Our Dedicated Employees

Our employee’s dedication and commitment over the years have been invaluable to DeGroote and McMaster, significantly shaping our success and culture. Their years of service exemplify loyalty and excellence, and their continued contributions are deeply appreciated.

Years of Service

Waquar Ahmad

Behrouz Bakhtiari

Jane-Ann Best

Cynthia Bishop

Kevin Braga

Megan Carvalho

Candice Chow

Goran Calic

Nidia Cerna

Kerry-Anne Donovan

Jennifer Dunk

Leah Fleet

Christopher Gaspic

Jacquie Gomes

Yaqin Hu

William Huggins

Neil Kotch

Michelle Leece

Margaret Leyland

Katya Malinova

Alexis Maynard

François Neville

Karam Noel

Amy Pachai

Andrew Pieon

Sandy Rattana

Erin Reid

Tina Scarr

Chandani Sheth

Anne St. Amand

Yan Wang

Manaf Zargoush

Yun Zhou

Ronald Balvers

Alex Biliski

Jeff DePaulo

Carol Gerritsen

Maryam Ghasemaghaei

Irina Ghilic

Benson Honig

Kai Huang

Justin Jin

Manish Kacker

Luanne Labreche

John Maheu

Adeel Mahmood

Christine McConnell

Brent McKnight

Shawn Olmstead

Caroline Roberts

Gregory Rombough

Penny Schmiedendorf

Kim Shaw

Joseph Tan

Kevin Veenstra

Manish Verma

Randy Walinga

Steven Walker

Leonard Waverman

Keiwan Wind

Maggie Woo

Ruhai Wu

Hongjin Zhu

Hai Zong

Neil Barr

Lisa Barty

Elizabeth Blanchard

Pina Del Monte

Dianne Hickey

Jared Lenover

Danielle Little

Christopher Longo

Dave Mammoliti

Susan McCracken

Aadil Merali Juma

Emad Mohammad

Gillian Mulvale

Justina Owusu-Mensah

Jiaping Qiu

Frances Tuer

Vishwanath Baba

Wendy Boles

Carolyn Colwell

Catherine Connelly

Anna Danielova

Brian Detlor

Angela Fiorillo

Angela Fortino

Leanne Halford

Khaled Hassanein

Elkafi Hassini

Maureen Hupfer

Lori Johnston

Jennifer Lennox

Guoying Luo

Mandeep Malik

Peter Miu

Ashish Pujari

Kellie Rabak

Sheila Richardson

Sudipto Sarkar

Aaron Schat

John Siam

Nicole Wagner

Nick Bontis

Narat Charupat

Rita Cossa

Angie Green

Milena Head

Lynn Petruzzella

Anita Blaney

Teal McAteer

Trevor Chamberlain

Rick Hackett

John Medcof

Ali Reza Montazemi

Khalid Nainar

Mahmut Parlar

Marvin Ryder

Mohamed Shehata

Yufei Yuan

Sherman Cheung

Clarence C Y Kwan

Years of service are based on employment at DeGroote and/or McMaster. The information is extracted from McMaster University's Mosaic system. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, some errors may occur. Please contact to report a discrepancy.

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